Rodrigo Rosa de Souza
Curso de Formação de Conselheiros de Administração (IBGC, 2018)
Curso de Fusões e Aquisições (INSPER/SP, 2017)
Especialista em Direito da Economia e da Empresa (FGV, 2004)
Extensão na área de processos de negociação (FGV, 2004)
Graduação em Direito (UFRGS, 1999)
Informações Adicionais
Membro do Conselho Fiscal do Sindicato da Indústria de Energias Renováveis do Rio Grande do Sul – SINDIENERGIA-RS
Aprovado em 1º lugar no estado do Rio Grande do Sul no Exame Nacional de Cursos do Ministério da Educação – MEC
Reconhecido pela Análise Advocacia 500 como um dos advogados mais admirados do país, resultado de uma extensiva pesquisa com os responsáveis pelos departamentos jurídicos das maiores empresas brasileiras.
Ranqueado como “Leaders in their Field” nas categorias “Energy & Natural Resources: Power” (2016 a 2018) pela Chambers Latin America e pela Chambers Global, e “Corporate/Commercial: South” (2018 a 2023) pela Chambers Latin America, principal repositório mundial de análise e classificação de advogados e escritórios de advocacia em 185 jurisdições do mundo. Citações:
– “He has been our most trusted lawyer in M&A. He has a remarkable ability to combine business and commercial understanding with legal and contractual matters” Chambers Latin America, 2023
– Rodrigo Rosa de Souza leads substantial matters in corporate law, with a strong focus on clients from the energy sector. He has been lauded by clients, who say: “He is my go-to lawyer for strategic and complex issues,” and add: “He has great negotiation skills, always seeking the best results for his client.” Chambers Latin America, 2022
– Co-head of department Rodrigo Rosa de Souza “has the ability to predict the future practical implementation of a transaction as well as limit risks and maximise efficiencies.” – Chambers Latin America, 2021
– Both peers and clients highlight his role assisting companies arising from the energy sector – Chambers Latin America, 2021
– Admired department co-head Rodrigo Rosa de Souza has impressed clients, who enthuse: “He is a great strategist when dealing with agreements and M&A,” while another interviewee adds: “He is brilliant, experienced and has a very structured way of dealing with issues, helping us understand the consequences of each possible way of moving forward.”– Chambers Latin America, 2020
– Clients recommend Rodrigo Rosa de Souza due to his “experience, technical knowledge, pragmatism, availability and strategic vision regarding all matters.” He often advises on the corporate and commercial aspects of energy projects. – Chambers Latin America, 2019
– In the Energy field, clients declared to Chambers & Partners that Rodrigo “is probably the greatest power lawyer in the South of Brazil” and that “he has a great understanding of the electric energy sector and all of its regulatory, corporate and contractual aspects”– Chambers Global, 2018
– In the corporate/commercial field, clients declared “he is experienced, analytical and meticulous” and that “he is capable of anticipating problems and identifying positive solutions that protect the client’s interests”– Chambers Latin America, 2018
– He is “a remarkably talented lawyer who combines deep knowledge with a sound understanding of business constraints”.– Chambers Global, 2017
– Rodrigo “is a very attentive lawyer with a pro-business approach”, and “he provides the client with an understanding of the whole case”– Chambers Latin America, 2016